While browsing the OLAP Analysis feature allows the production of a diverse context report generating pivot tables, charts, time series, etc. Furthermore, specific distribution features allow report distribution (delivery) in different ways.
Set up production, distribution and predefined report management parameters. The structure of information is linked to different categories such as customers, products, suppliers and time. It uses all preconfigured analysis models. At the same time it is also possible to choose layouts, methods of production and desired outputs.
You can generate your reports thanks to interactive procedures: the user can recall the reporting preconfigured model and generate it providing appropriate parameters (e.g. relevant time frame and register e output directory). Production can also be conceived following some automated procedures in “batches” through appropriate scheduling which can be activated concurrently with specific events or depending on the execution of particular operations.
Reports can be stored in Excel spreadsheets for potential personalization or integration. Their results can be also graphically represented/exported and they can also be used with all Office functions. PDF is also supported (zipped as well), a really useful and flexible format with a view to electronic distribution. The HTML format is also supported in case of potential web publication.
Using the appropriate filters, reports can be generated for specific users or user groups. Depending on how single users’ specifications have been defined, it’s possible to personalize specific features thanks to the Supervisor who can actually set up some rules to access the data contained in the Data Warehouse after having defined the appropriate filters. For instance, one could obtain sales reports for every commercial area, or sales and commissions reports for each employee.
Moreover, E3 offers a complete and modern development environment, based on the OLAP infrastructure and on the Data Warehouse, able to carry out ad hoc reports based on the customer’s needs and the company layout.
E3 creates periodical predefined reports and statements on Intranet/Internet networks using the specific features of the Web Reporting application.
Reports are easily generated thanks to a normal browser from corporate data (thanks to the OLAP technology already described in the Analysis and Report section) specifying familiar features to the users such as customers, products, time, supplier, etc. Web reports are generated interactively based on the features and the data selected by the user. It is also possible to implement drill-down operations to a feature level.