Price and Discount requests, ongoing demand for promotional initiatives, marketing prizes and contributions on behalf of distribution channels, the rising impact of raw material costs; these are just some of the elements that tend to have an impact on profitability of durable and consumer manufacturers.

Given this situation, it is vital to keep constant and progressive governance and visibility of:

  • Various profit margin levels (from gross to net), able to emphasize the effectiveness of commercial policies (discounts, pricing, promotional campaigns, contract and prizes) on the different services provided
  • The impact of different costs (transport, commissions, communication campaigns, etc.) on the customer’s profitability
  • The product full costing in relation to setting the correct sales price, assessing profit margins, changing the policies governing immediate and delayed discounts, increasing processes productivity and efficiency
  • The performances of the sales network by comparing them with the targeted goals and, according to the results, performing prices, costs and discounts simulations and also analyzing their impact on different areas of the company.


These are only some of the features of our corporate control solutions.


These solutions aim towards covering the main functional areas and are complementary to the Budget and Forecast module that favors the management of the predictive process and its control related to individual areas (Business profitability, Profit and Loss Account, Product Cost, Human Resources). It also allows the integration of various budgets (e.g. sustaining the production budget with sales results and giving feedback on new outcomes). The same module allows set-up and arranged simulation models (what-if, goal seeking, etc.) useful for making decisions on company policies and on how to optimize the most critical variables.

These specialized manufactory solutions are parameterized and ready-to-use applications regarding data models, reports, and analysis tools. These applications are already available at the start of the process and are connected to a single data repository whose main functions are the balancing and coherence of the workflows and maintaining “game rules”.

(driver settings, reallocation rules, profit and loss accounts formats set up performed using different reclassifications, etc.). These solutions unite the detected needs thanks to our manufactory experience, to customers’ demands and to background operational practices.

The determination of the industrial product cost (Service) and its governance is the result of an analytical management industry control relatable to all enterprises with high indirect costs.
Our solution is addressed to companies willing to manage their sales profitability in a coherent and timely manner (channel, store, department, etc.). Moreover, at present, it is essential to assess the effectiveness of promotional activities and customers’ clustering and analysis.
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