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Rossetto Trade has been operating since 1965 in the food retail sector and currently has 23 hypermarkets and supermarkets in the Verona, Vicenza, Padua, Mantua, Reggio Emilia, Rovigo, Brescia, Cremona and Modena provinces.

Rossetto has chosen E3 Suite to activate the new Process Control function. This choice brought the development of the new organizational unit, called Commercial Management Control, through the selection and insertion of a market resource.

The first area of ​​supervision was commercial operations: the goal was to measure the promotional dynamics related to sales in depth (hence the analytical collection of sales data) and build the commercial income statement aimed towards measuring shrinkage. – not only for fresh food departments, but also for canning departments – using the stock ascertained with the automatic reordering procedure.

Specific focus was also placed on measurement and assortment control, using a dedicated tool of the E3 Platform, which on a statistical-analytical basis highlights stock-outs and favors inventory controls and store restocking.

The start-up phase is the part of the Management Control path dedicated to the analysis of logistical operations; In fact, thanks to the organizational strengthening underway in the logistics area, a unit dedicated to the measurement and optimization of handling and distribution processes was developed.

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